August 21, 2024

When I was learning how to overcome writer’s block I make sure I go to a quiet room away from all distractions. I turn off any radios, TVs and phones. I sit quietly at my desk and take three deep breaths. Breathing into the count of three, holding to the count of three and breathing out to the count of three. Then I allow my breathing to return to its natural rhythm.

Next, I focus on the different muscle groups in my body. I start at the head and work my way down to my toes. Tighten each muscle group to the count of three, hold to the count of three and relax to the count of three. This usually puts me in a state of relaxed alertness.

Now I simply observe my thoughts for the next fifteen minutes and write them down. Any random thought that comes into my head. Always remembering to be totally detached from my thoughts and simply observe them. At the end of fifteen minutes, I read over what I have written and proceed to write a short 250-word article about what I have written. This usually gets the mind ticking over so I can continue to write. I write as much as I can about the subject I want to write about always being conscious that I can edit what I have written when I am finished.

Writing is only half the process, and editing and proofreading is the other half. Once I have written all I can write, I take a break and read something related to what I am writing about. This usually gives me more food for thought which I write down.

Do Some Exercise

Exercise is also an important part of my writing routine. I take half an hour to an hour to go for a walk or a bicycle ride. There are plenty of beaches and parks in my area so I like to visit them and think about what I want to write next. I reread and edit what I have written frequently so I don’t lose my train of thought. This also stops me from repeating myself or losing the plot.


For non-fiction writing, I frequently refer to the various heading and sub-headings I wrote at the beginning of the writing to keep me on track. Ongoing research at the library or online also helps. The more you research, the more likely you are to discover aspects of your writing project you have not already covered. You can always add more titles and subtitles to your project.

Take A Break

If all else fails make sure you are getting plenty of rest and having enough breaks away from writing. It is always good to have a week’s break or at least a couple of days and then return to your work with fresh eyes.

One effective approach to overcoming writer’s block is to create a quiet, distraction-free environment for writing. This means finding a quiet room, turning off any electronic devices, and taking three deep breaths to help clear your mind. Focusing on your breath and relaxing your body can help you achieve a state of relaxed alertness that is conducive to writing.

Once you are in a relaxed state, you can begin to focus on your thoughts and ideas. Start by observing your thoughts for fifteen minutes and writing them down. Don’t judge or analyze the thoughts, just let them flow naturally. This exercise can help you to generate ideas and get your creative juices flowing.

After you have completed this exercise, read over what you have written and use it as inspiration for a short article. Writing a 250-word article can help to break the cycle of writer’s block and get you back on track with your writing.

Edit and Proofread

It’s important to remember that writing is only half the process. Editing and proofreading are equally important, so don’t be afraid to go back and revise your work. Take breaks as needed, and read something related to your topic to gain new insights and ideas.

Exercise can also be an important part of your writing routine. Taking a half-hour or hour-long walk or bike ride can help to clear your mind and stimulate your creativity. Visiting a local park or beach can also provide a change of scenery and help you to generate new ideas.

As you work on your writing project, keep track of your progress and make notes about what you have accomplished. Set achievable goals and timelines to help you stay on track and avoid becoming overwhelmed.

It’s also important to remember that research is an ongoing process. The more research you do, the more likely you are to discover new aspects of your writing project that you haven’t yet considered. Use headings and subheadings to help you stay on track, and refer back to them frequently to ensure that you are covering all the necessary topics.

Finally, if all else fails, take a break. Sometimes, the best thing you can do for your writing is to step away from it for a while. Take a week off or a couple of days, and then return to your work with fresh eyes. You may find that this break provides the perspective you need to overcome your writer’s block and get back to writing.

Writer’s block can be a frustrating and challenging problem for writers. However, by creating a quiet and distraction-free environment, taking breaks and exercise, writing down thoughts and ideas, revising, and continuing research, you can overcome writer’s block and produce quality work. Remember to be patient and persistent, and don’t be afraid to seek help from other writers or professionals if needed. With the right strategies and mindset, you can overcome writer’s block and become a productive writer.

Stay Motivated

Furthermore, staying motivated and enthusiastic about your writing project is essential. One way to maintain motivation is to keep a positive mindset and focus on the progress you are making, rather than getting bogged down by setbacks and obstacles.

Another way to stay motivated is to set achievable goals and deadlines for yourself. Break your writing project down into smaller, more manageable tasks, and set a timeline for completing each one. Celebrate each milestone you achieve along the way, and use these small victories to motivate yourself to keep going.

Join A Writers Group

Collaborating with other writers or joining a writing group can also help to keep you motivated and provide valuable feedback and support. Sharing your work with others can help you to identify areas that need improvement and gain new insights and perspectives.

Don’t be afraid to experiment with different writing techniques and styles. Trying new approaches to writing can help you to break out of old habits and stimulate your creativity. Write in different genres or formats, or try writing at different times of the day to see what works best for you.


Writer’s block is a common problem that can be overcome with the right strategies and mindset. By creating a quiet, distraction-free environment, taking breaks and exercising, observing thoughts and ideas, revising, continuing research, staying motivated, and experimenting with different writing techniques, you can overcome writer’s block and become a more productive and creative writer. Remember to be patient, persistent, and open to new ideas and approaches to writing. With time and practice, you can develop the skills and confidence you need to produce quality work and achieve your writing goals.

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